Just say NO! – Its Now or Never

By | July 10, 2021

We ALL need to say “NO” to wearing masks and all the ridiculous rules that everyone submits to.  Not just from time to time but ALL the time! Every day, everywhere.

If you don’t stand up and refuse to comply now, the price you will pay in the near future will be far worse than whatever you imagine the consequences will be today for your resistance.

Stop complying with your own enslavement!

We don’t need groups to gather to shout and protest – once a month, and then go back to being subservient. You yourself, by your daily consistent actions in refusing to comply, can stop this tyranny in its tracks. 

I say again, it’s now or never. The snowball of fascist tyranny, leading to the end of all personal freedom (including the freedom to decide what goes into your body) is rolling down the hill and is gathering pace.

If we don’t act now, soon it will have gathered such momentum that it will be impossible to stop.

Yet, to stop it, all we need to do is remember and consistently use the forgotten word. That word is “NO”.

NO, I do not wear a mask.

NO, I do not disinfect my hands.

NO, I do not have my temperature taken.

NO, I do not adhere to social distancing.

NO, I do not live in a bubble.

NO, I will not stop hugging and kissing, or shaking hands.

NO, I will not be told when and where I can drive my car.

Use the word “NO” and retain your dignity and self-respect.

And of course, say “NO”to receiving ANY of the COVID injections.


Personally, I drew my line in the sand a long time ago.

Here are some examples from my personal experience, of the terrible, terrible consequences of saying NO.

I enter EVERY establishment without a mask. This usually elicits one of these reactions:

  1. No reaction at all from the staff. I enter, make my purchase, eat my meal or whatever, and leave with my dignity intact.
  2. A staff member will say “Sir, you must wear a mask” to which I say calmly, “I do not wear a mask”. This often leads to me receiving priority treatment. They want me away from the counter asap, and so they take my order and serve me first. Again, I do not wear the mask and my dignity is intact.
  3. A staff member will ask me to put on the mask. I say again “I do not wear a mask”. If the staff member insists, I smile at him, tell him he has just lost a customer, and leave, again with my dignity intact.
  4. They refuse me entry to the shop without a mask. So, I will politely tell the staff member what I want to buy, and stand outside. They almost ALWAYS go and get me whatever I want and bring it to me. If they refuse, then again I make them aware that they have lost a customer, thank them and leave with my dignity intact.

The same goes for disinfecting hands. I have NEVER done this, not even once. These are the reactions I have experienced.

  1. I enter the premises and if I am challenged, I say “NO, gracias” and keep on walking. So far, nobody has chased me!
  2. They prevent me from entering the premises unless I disinfect my hands, usually because of their “protocol”. I say “I have a protocol of my own. I do not disinfect my hands. I want to make a purchase but I will not disinfect my hands with that toxic shite. So we need to find a solution.”, and again calmly wait for a reaction. If there is a stalemate, I say “I am willing to wash my hands with soap and water, as is normal behaviour”. So far, this has been universally accepted.
  3. If they really insist on me disinfecting my hands then I leave, again with my self-respect intact.

As for social distancing, I just ignore it altogether. Only once have I ever been challenged. I stayed exactly where I was but turned sideways away from the person. That was the end of it.

Temperature checks? These seem to be decreasing now. Otherwise:

  1. I enter the premises and if I am challenged, I say “NO, gracias” and keep on walking. So far, nobody has chased me!
  2. If they insist on trying to take my temperature, I ask to speak to the manager and explain how ridiculous this is. I am not sick and the person trying to take my temperature in not a nurse. If they insist, then again I make them aware that they have lost a customer, thank them and leave with my dignity intact.

So what are you afraid of?

Challenge this tyranny at every opportunity. Say NO and keep saying NO until the whole house of cards built on lies and deceit comes tumbling down, and the snowball rolling down the hill, melts.